Term 1 Finished... and What a Term It Was!!!
Sadly, the end of Term 1 has come and we have to say goodbye. For some, it is a short goodbye. For others, it is a longer goodbye as we have 5 students leaving us! We are very sad that we have to lose you all but we wish you all the best for your futures, Mei, Masatomo, Rin, Kokona and Shuei! You have brought so much joy, laughter and intelligence to our class and we all want to thank you! Here are some pictures of our last week and memories of the term! Students even arranged presents and cards for the leaving quintet. Not only that, even nature has heard the call and has come to say goodbye! We planted some morning glory seeds at the beginning of the term and although they grew quickly and healthily, we have been waiting for flowers but sadly none came. That is until the last day!! What are the chances of the flowers blooming just to say a fond farewell to our 5G class... they MUST be special! Have a wonderful break everyone and return relaxed, fresh and ready to learn more!
