Hong Kong Japanese School
Global Class
Bilungual education
In the Global Class, a number of subjects will be taught in English and follow the Japanese National Curriculum. Students will, therefore, be able to reach the same standards of achievement as their counterparts in the Japanese classes. The total amount time using English and Japanese are almost 50% each.
Global Classでは、日本の学習指導要領を基にして、複数の教科を英語で学ぶことにより、日本の教育課程を修めながら高度な英語力を身に付けていきます。日英それぞれの使用頻度はおよそ50%ずつとなります。
Teaching language 教科ごとの使用言語
Math and Science are taught in English by English teachers. The students are supported by a native English speaking teacher and a bilingual teacher.
Advanced English
English is taught using British textbooks that closely follow the UK national curriculum. We encourage students to build up the four skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking) to an advanced level. Apart from the lessons, graded reading time will be also provided.
Japanese education
Although English education is one of the remarkable features of the Global Class, we also encourage students to gain a strong Japanese proficiency. A native Japanese teacher and a bilingual teacher will support the students, in particular those who have come from international or local schools.
Yellow Japanese used
Green English used
Blue Both Japanese and English used