Keeping our bodies healthy through movement!
P5G have had an excellent time running and skipping around in our P.E classes! Miss. Inui is as sporty as you can get and she really...
The clubs have finally begun!
There was a lot of excitement around the corridors of the school last week as the first club meetings were being held. Students...
The first GC Assembly!
たくさんの新しい仲間を迎えてスタートした今年のグローバルクラス。先週金曜日には、第一回目のGlobal Class Assemblyがありました。 前回の6 Goals Lessonに引き続き、今回も6年生が企画・運営を担ってくれました。6年生が考えたのは、「3つのステーシ...
P6G English Creative writing lesson
In this English lesson, our P6G students used their imagination and creativity to write a story about school excuse. Each of us took turn...
The 6 goals lesson by P6G!
P6G students planned and delivered an amazing lesson about '6 Goals' to our new global class members -P4Gs! 今週木曜日には、4Gの子どもたちへ向けて、6Gの子どもたち...
6-goal activity with 6G & 4G
Today’s a special day - all 6G students came to 4G and led an exciting scavenger hunt! 4G were to look for puzzle pieces scattered around...
Time is short...let’s enjoy food! With P4G
All 4G students have enjoyed their light meals and at school. During the break, students did skipping and had so much fun!
Welcome to HKJS, Inui Sensei!
The long awaited arrival of our new HR teacher has finally come! We are now a full class family, ready to learn and laugh! Miss. Inui...