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The Week Of The Sports Festival Is Finally Here!!

The last few weeks have been incredibly busy for students and teachers, especially with us losing so many days to the weather, such as typhoons and black rain! However, everyone has continued to work hard in order to learn every day and also prepare well for the big event this week!

In Science, we have continued to delve even deeper into the wonderful world of plants. Learning more and more about how they are integral to our lives and learning the names of the different parts and what function they provide.

We have had a chance to get stuck into some of the other subjects that we don't often do too! These topics involve social studies, calligraphy and home economics. There are some fantastic seamers and writers on display in 5G!

We also had the pleasure of receiving some fascinating lessons in GS from Inui Sensei which everyone enjoyed. Learning about technologies and having deep debates about their use and importance.

Last, but certainly not least, We have had many chances to practice and prepare for the main event this week... the SPORTS FESTIVAL!! Everyone is very excited as Red will verse White! AKA V SHIRO! The battle of the century! Who will win? Who will be the most honourable team? Find out with us on Thursday!! We can't wait!


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