The start of a new year, a new class and a NEW 5G!
The last few weeks have encapsulated the joy, learning and excitement of the beginning of a new school year. The students have all enjoyed themselves immensely and have been working hard to "level themselves up" to their new classes. Another year older, another year wiser!

With the worst of the COVID - 19 pandemic behind us, we have looked forward to a year of freedom and social fluidity. This has allowed us to host a full GC assembly which included every Global Class student interacting and working together! In this assembly, we had a play by 6G about the 6 goals, we had a challenging group task with Mr. Tomsett and we even had time for a photoshoot! What fun!

In class, the students of 5G have been working extremely hard on our new maths and science topics. Volume of 3D shapes and Changes in Weather, respectively. We have done individual research, whole class discussions and small group activities. I am very happy with the new 5G's attitude, ability level and willingness to try hard to improve! Keep it up guys!

We even have a fantastic librarian in our 5G class! This is a picture of the most friendly, welcoming and cheery librarian I have ever seen! Great job good sir!