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A visit to Hong Kong's O-Park

To start the week on a high, the 5G students took a trip to one of Hong Kong's Food waste and recycling facilities: O-Park!

This trip was absolutely fascinating and the students learned so much about Hong Kong's food waste. The students arrived to an awful smell. This is the unavoidable smell of food waste and the minute bacteria that is used to break down such waste, known as "Mr. Germs". However, soon we were inside and could breath properly! Once inside, we began to learn more about the origins of the O-Park initiative and how/ why the park was created.

After this introduction, we ventured further into the building and could watch an amazing video on a planetarium type screen. This movie explained the reasons we have so much food waste, how to reduce it and the process of improving the situation in Hong Kong.

Finally the students went outside once again to look at the O-Park gardens in which they learned about how the food is turned into compost and used to grow many plants and vegetation.

Look on to see what we did!


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