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On becoming a Scientist - P6G

“Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.” – Rita Levi-Montalcini, 1986 Nobel Prize Winner in Physiology

Our kids have taken it to the next level! On a regular Monday, the P6G students were taken aback by the teacher‘s announcement.

“You’re going to do an experiment in which you’ll have to find out the function of saliva in digesting starch , with your very own secretion!”

Almost every single one gasped, “WHAAAAT?!!”

Students were reluctant at first. In the end they made it!

The experiment goes like this: First, place a handful grains of cooked rice into two clear sandwich bags. Then spit a good amount of saliva into one while pouring a similar amount of water into another. After that, students have to knead the rice from the outside of the bags to imitate the action of chewing, and then place them in a beaker of warm water which is close to our body temperature.

Lastly, students added in a drop of iodine solution to test if saliva has broken down the starch in the rice. They were surprised to find out that the saliva-rice mixture turned into a pinkish purple color, which proved the hypothesis.

This is all science’s spirit - You’ve got to reach out of your comfort zone before achieving anything great!

Results of the experiment

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