Water as a limited and precious resource
Did you know that freshwater makes up only about three percent of all water on Earth? Some people have walk for miles in order to get...

Water's journey: How does water change states?
Water is magical. It can be in the forms of liquid, solid or gas. How amazing water is while we humans can't completely melt into liquid...

Are you Term White, Blue, Red, or Yellow? I am Term WBRY!

Busy time of the year!
As a P6 student, we have to take on more responsibility such as being a leader in many school events. We have to work as a team and share...

Ganbatte!! Sports Festival is around the corner ;)
Time to sweat everyone! Look at our P4G and P4-1e practice students. They're all putting in 100% effort into the dance practice. Can't...

We all know that water is important to us... But why?
What do we use water for? What are the different states of water? Not only humans but trees and animals also need water. Did you also...

An Extremely Busy Day Out!
For the last three years at HKJS our excursion plans have been foiled by the presence of COVID-19 and the restrictions that have come as...

Growing Little Gardeners
5G are almost finished with their "Flowers and Fruits" Science Unit 7 but they are not quite done yet! This last few weeks, we have been...